Amazing lawns

Landscape Ontario’s Professional Lawn Care Operators are stewards of the environment who want you to have an amazing lawn while doing your part to help provide more clean air and water!


Now that you’ve got your FREE seed, It’s time to grow your grass seed and help the environment.

Pick a spot — it could be a bare spot in your lawn, in a park, or even in a tray or cup. Be creative. Your grass seed is one of the easiest plants to grow, and will start helping the environment no matter where you plant it.

The most important part to establishing your grass seed involves 4 easy steps.

  1. Make sure the grass is in firm contact with the soil. Rake and loosen the soil to a depth of 1” to make sure. Apply the grass seed and pat it down firmly with the back of a rake, your hand or even step on it lightly. You do not have to bury grass seed.
  2. Applying a starter fertilizer to help improve germination and strengthen the grass plant if planted in poor soil is helpful, but not a requirement.
  3. Keep it moist. This means watering it lightly every day, sometimes 2 or 3 times a day if it is windy or very sunny to prevent the seed from drying out. TIP: Don’t drown your seed or it will float away, and don’t let it dry out either or else you won’t get proper germination.
  4. Let it be. Mow after the lawn has reached a height of 4 inches. Mow lightly and try to avoid disturbing the other seeds that are still becoming established. It is a good idea to use a bag to collect clippings on your amazing newly seeded lawn areas to avoid suffocating the new seedlings. Once you have mowed it twice, feel free to enjoy your lawn as you normally would. Mow every 5-7 days as regular maintenance.
Now go to Facebook and post a picture of you and your new lawn. The most creative uses or pictures can win.
In June, we will pick our favourite 10 entries to win some amazing prizes!

Check out these helpful links on how to care for your lawn.
Grateful for grass - Grass contributes to our physical and mental well being.
Grubs in the Lawn - Detecting grubs in the lawn.
Top 10 turf tips - Expert tips for the perfect lawn
How to maintain a healthy lawn - Seven easy steps to lawn perfection.
Lawn and Turf Benefits - A natural air-conditioner and noise filter.
Landscaping for quick real estate sale - Create curb appeal with these tips
St James media release - Lawn care professionals protect and preserve an important treasure in Toronto.
Q&A: How do I get rid of grubs in my lawn?
Ask An Expert Q&A

The Lawn Institute: www.thelawninstitute.org/education/?c=190187
Sod Producers: www.turfgrasssod.org/pages/consumer-resources/maintaining-turfgrass

To find a lawn care professional near you, visit the Find a company page
and click on Lawn Care.
