Climbing vines

Climbing vines add a vertical dimension to your garden and can grow on existing walls or fences. An arbor or trellis can be installed to provide climbing space.

They are useful in hiding unsightly features or to provide a cover for a fence, garden shed or compost pile. English Ivy, Boston Ivy and Climbing Hydrangea are self-clinging. Other vines must be provided with a structure around which they can twine.

Actinidia kolomikta

A slender twining vine for trellis or arbor. Grown for the beauty of its large leaves which are half green and pink or pink and white. Colour of the plant is at its best in early summer. Full sun required. Good for a western exposure.

Five leaved akebia
Akebia quinata

A twining vine with five-lobed leaves that can climb to a considerable height if suitable trellis is provided. The flowers are little noticed but have a spicy fragrance. May remain evergreen in the mildest areas or in a sheltered location.

Variegated porcelain vine
Ampelopsis brevipedunculata 'Elegans'

Needs the assistance of wires or trellis to climb. The green leaves are variegated white and pink. Masses of porcelain-blue fruit are produced following a long, hot summer. This is a good vine for a northern or eastern aspect which would protect the foliage from hot afternoon sun.

Dutchman's pipe
Aristolochia durior (A. sipho)

The common name refers to the shape of the flower but these are usually well hidden beneath the very large leaves. Needs wires or trellis to twine around. Will thrive in sweet soil with lime and grows in either sun or shade. Good on a pergola or as a cover on a north wall.

Trumpet vine
Campsis radicans

This North American native has some self-clinging properties but produces better coverage when supplied with a trellis or wires. Needs full sun or a southern exposure to freely produce its large orange-red, trumpet-shaped flowers. These are of the right shape and colour to invite hummingbirds to your garden. Attractive green foliage.

Celastrus scandens

These North American native vines are either male or female. Only the female produces the colourful fall fruit and then only if a male companion is grown alongside. The fruit is golden-yellow, splitting open to reveal scarlet seeds. A woody twining vine that needs strong support. Does well in sun or partial shade.

English ivy
Hedera helix 'Baltica' and 'Thorndale'

These ivies are valued for their winter persistent foliage and their ability to thrive in deep shade. English ivy also makes an excellent evergreen ground cover. As a vine, it is self-clinging but it needs a year or two to establish a good root system before it starts to climb.

Climbing hydrangea
Hydrangea anomala subsp. petiolaris

This self-clinging flowering vine is very shade tolerant and ideal for north or west walls. Large, plate-like flowers bloom in June. The central flowers are small but surrounded by showy four-petalled white flowers. The round- to ovate-toothed leaves are deciduous.

Perennial sweet pea
Lathyrus latifolius

Herbaceous perennial climbing vine with red, white or rosey-pink flowers in July-August. Good on a chain-link fence or trellis and does well in full sun or partial shade.

Dropmore honeysuckle
Lonicera x brownii 'Dropmore Scarlet'

A vigorous twining vine for trellis or arbor. Developed by Dr. F.L. Skinner of Dropmore, Man. Terminal clusters of slender scarlet flowers from June to September or even later. Can grow to 5 metres on appropriate support. Foliage is blue-green in colour and is partially evergreen. The flowers are not fragrant. Does well in full sun or partial shade.

Perfoliate honeysuckle
Lonicera caprifolium

Produces fragrant, creamy-white flowers from June onwards in a good display. It is a vigorous deciduous vine that can reach 6 m. on suitable support. Best on an arbor or pergola where its top growth can then cascade. Does well in full sun to partial shade.

Goldflame honeysuckle
Lonicera x heckrottii

Woody shrub with sometimes twining branches. Can be grown without support. The flowers in terminal clusters are purple outside and yellow within. Has a long bloom time, from June to late fall. Grown in reasonably moist soil in sun or partial shade. Prune as required.

Hall's honeysuckle
Lonicera japonica 'Halliana'

A vigorous hardy twining vine for fence or trellis. The fragrant white flowers fade to yellow for a two-tone effect. Blooms from June to October. Evergreen foliage is a variation of shapes. Good as ground cover when allowed to sprawl. Hall's honeysuckle should be grown in full sun to partial shade, and in fairly moist soil.

Early Dutch honeysuckle
Lonicera periclymenum 'Belgica'

This is the Woodbine vine of Britain and Europe. June to July flowering. Reddish-purple bloom fading to yellow with a pink tinge. Delicately fragrant, this honeysuckle needs wires or trellis to climb. The soil should be reasonably moist in sun to partial shade.

Late Dutch honeysuckle
Lonicera periclymenum 'Serotina'

The fragrant flowers are red-purple outside and creamy-white inside. Flowers from July to September. Soil should be reasonably moist and the vine provided with an arbor or trellis on which to climb. Does well in full sun or partial shade.

Virginia creeper
Parthenocissus quinquefolia

Hardy American native vine suitable for a fence or trellis. The foliage is deciduous and fiery red in autumn. Produces clusters of blue-black fruit that attract birds. Can be grown in sun or shade in fairly moist soil. Makes a fast growing ground cover.

Engelman's ivy
Parthenocissus quinquefolia 'Engelmannii'

A selected form of virginia creeper with smaller leaves and better self-clinging ability. Displays brilliant scarlet fall foliage colour and black berries that are enjoyed by birds. Good display in sun or shade.

Boston ivy
Parthenocissus tricuspidata 'Veitchii'

A self-clinging vine that is an outstanding wall cover. The leaves overlap like shingles. The foliage becomes very dark green with maturity. Orange-scarlet fall colour. Does well in sun or shade with reasonably moist soil.

Silver lace vine
Polygonum aubertii

A hardy twining woody vine that is vigorous and fast growing. Needs the support of fence, trellis or arbor. Long drooping clusters of fragrant white flowers are produced in September. This is a vine for full sun.

Riverbank grape
Vitis riparia

Native grapevine also called frost grape for its late-ripening fruit. The yellow-green flowers in June are sweetly fragrant. Displays good, dense green foliage in summer, suitable for a pergola or arbor. Fall foliage is an attractive yellow.

Wine grapes
Vitis vinifera

In addition to their delectable fruit, wine grapes can serve as a fast-growing foliage screen when trained on a fence, wires or arbor. Best in full sun in moist soil enriched with manure and sweetened with lime.

Chinese wisteria
Wisteria chinensis

A vigorous long-lived climbing vine, Chinese wisteria needs extra strong supports. White, blue, mauve or purple flowers in long racemes bloom in June before the leaves are fully developed. Among the most beautiful of flowering vines. Many require a few years to mature before flowering is possible.

Japanese wisteria
Wisteria floribunda

Can be distinguished from the Chinese wisteria as they have 12 to 19 leaflets per leaf rather than 11 or fewer. The flower clusters are usually longer and more slender. In addition to the white and purple, the Japanese wisteria may also have pink flowers. All flowers are fragrant.

Clematis — the Queen of vines
Clematis need cool roots. Plant them deep and mulch the soil surface to prevent drying out. Flower colours are best when shaded from hot afternoon sun.

Spring flowering clematis:
Bee's Jubilee - Mauve-pink
Duchess of Edinburgh - Double white
Miss Bateman - Pure white
Nellie Moser - Pale pink

Late spring and summer flowering clematis:
Henry - Pure white
Mrs. Cholmondeley - Lavender blue
Ramona - Rich lavender blue
The President - Deep purple-blue

Summer and autumn flowering clematis:
Comtesse de Bouchard - Satiny-rose, cream stamens
Ernest Markham - Glowing red, golden stamens
Gypsy Queen - Rich violet purple
Hagley Hybrid - Shell pink
Huldine - Pearly white
Jackmanii - Purple, green stamens
Lady Betty Balfour - Violet-blue, yellow stamens
Ville de Lyon - Carmine-red

Species clematis:
Clematis tangutica - Golden clematis
Small yellow lantern-shaped nodding flowers
Clematis paniculata - Sweet Autumn clematis
White starry flowers
