
Celebrate Canada's First National Tree Day!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011 marks the first National Tree Day in Canada. On Mar. 2, 2011 the House of Commons passed Motion-575 to declare the Wednesday of National Forest Week, as National Tree Day, so that all Canadians can celebrate and share their passion for our nation's forests and trees.

There are many ways to celebrate National Tree Day:
  • Visit nationaltreeday.ca to download posters and logos, read about the National Tree Day plantings in every capital, understand the benefits of trees and much more
  • Attend the National Tree Day planting ceremonies being held with Senior government representatives, community groups and Tree Canada
  • Plant or maintain trees in your neighbourhood
  • Organize a schoolyard greening project at your child's school
  • Tour the historical trees of your community
  • Register your tree event at nationaltreeday.ca - sharing your plans with others. The first 50 registrants will receive a special, commemorative National Tree Day certificate.
  • Look up a registered event for National Tree day to see if there is one in your community you can attend

Photo at right: The Minister of Finance, Jim Flaherty, planting a Native Maple at Parkwood National Historical Site on September 14, 2011. The maple was donated by Maple Leaves Forever - an organization committed to promoting the planting of native maples. The planting was coordinated by Landscape Ontario and Parkwood National Historic Site.
